Thursday, February 28, 2013

Meet the World’s Smallest Horse:

When Einstein was born he tipped the scales at a mere 6 pounds and measured just 14 inches tall. And while these stats might sound ho-hum for a baby of the human variety, they tell a very different story for a baby horse.

Einstein is a pint-sized pinto colt born last Friday in New Hampshire, and this living “My Little Pony” is making a giant splash in world news.
“We’ve been at this for 20 years and I’ve never seen one this small,” Judy Smith, owner of Tiz A Miniature Horse Farm in Barnstead, New Hampshire, told the Boston Herald. The average miniature horse foal stands 21 inches tall at birth and weighs 18 pounds.

Although he has yet to be certified as the smallest horse on the planet (the world’s record currently belongs to Thumbelina, a chestnut mare born in 2001 near St. Louis who weighed 8.5 pounds and stood 11 inches at birth), Einstein has become an instant Internet star.

Airbag for your Smartphone!

Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos' patent for a phone airbag patent was recently approved. Here's how it would work: "Prior to impact between a surface and a device, a determination of a risk of damage to the device is made. If the risk of damage to the device exceeds a threshold, a protection system is activated to reduce or eliminate damage to the device.

In the patent filing papers, this system utilizes the handset's integrated gyroscope, camera, accelerometers as well as other onboard sensors to determine if it is currently falling. Should a fall be detected, the system will deploy airbags to reduce potential damage - or possibly change the trajectory of its fall by firing jets of air.

Devil’s Pool Victoria Falls Zimbabwe: Amazing!

Marvellous Hummingbird:

This Marvellous Spatuletail is a medium-sized white, green and bronze hummingbird adorned with blue crest feathers, a brilliant turquoise gorget, and a black line on its white underparts. It is the only member of the monotypic genus Loddigesia.

Microsoft "The Originals": Then (1978) vs. Now (2012) Picture

In the images below, you're looking at 11 of Microsoft's 12 original employees, all of whom got together to re-create a famous photo taken just before the company moved from its Albuquerque birthplace to the Pacific Northwest in 1978.

Hybrid Rose titled " Tiger Stripes Rose "

Ever wonder what Jupiter would look like from Earth..?

If it were the same distance from the planet as the moon? Well, the image below should give you somewhat of an idea.

♥ ♥ ♥ Love has no limits or end ♥ ♥ ♥

Frost flower: A Natural Wonder..!

A Company in Taiwan makes dinnerware out of wheat, so you can eat your plate... :)

The Pearl Waterfall, China

♥ ♥ Best Friends Forever ♥ ♥

School for one child in China:

In Fujian province, China, there is a School for only one student: Hu Yang, the only student gets educated by two teachers. Hunched over his desk is a typical student, Hu Yang. But what is unusual is that he is the only pupil in school in Fujian province, China. The three-storey school was built in 2005 and boasts 24 classrooms, however, they are empty, except for one where lonely Hu gets educated by 2 teachers.

Blue Lagoon (Iceland):

The Blue Lagoon geothermal spa is one of the most visited attractions in Iceland. The steamy waters are part of a lava formation. The spa is located in a lava field in Grindavík on the Reykjanes Peninsula, southwestern Iceland..

Canadian couple who won $10.9 million in the lottery and donated 98 percent of that:

A Canadian couple who won $10.9 million in the lottery and donated 98 percent of that, they're just plain country folks who didn't need more than what they have. Allen and Violet Large said they won their fortune in a July 14 Lotto 649 draw and decided to save two percent for a rainy day and give away the rest.

"We have no plans. We're not travelers. We're not night-prowlers. We're not bar-hoppers. We're just ordinary country folk," said Allen Large, a 75-year-old retired welder. "We were quite happy with what we had and the way we were going."

After taking care of their family, the Larges donated almost 98 percent of their prize to churches, fire departments, cemeteries and the Red Cross in Lower Truro, as well as hospitals where Violet, who has cancer, has undergone treatment.

Large said he and Violet decided a week before they picked up their winnings to give most of it away. He said they had worked for 30 years in Ontario and put away money every year before retiring and returning home to Nova Scotia.

"We weren't millionaires before, but we had enough to keep us going in our retirement years," said Allen Large.

Word of the couple's generosity has generated a wealth of attention from the media both in Canada and abroad.

"We're not used to all this attention," Large said from the couple's modest home in Lower Truro. "We're just plain, old country folks."

86-Year-Old Grandma Still Doing Gymnastics

It’s hard to believe, but here 86-year-old grandma is till practicing gymnastics. Have a look…