Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Best Buy Accidentally Sends Woman 4 Extra iPads, Lets Her Keep Them

Yes, that's right, Best Buy mistakenly sent Alexa five iPads instead of the one she ordered, and this is how the company responded when she emailed her: "We, here at Best Buy, acknowledge that we obviously made a mistake, but in the spirit of the holidays, we encourage you to keep the additional iPads and give them to people in need - friends, family, a local school or charity." Continue reading for the news report, the invoice, and additional information.

Believe it or not, Alexa wasn't the only one who received four extra iPads, Nick did also, and this is what happened with him: "I called Best Buy's 1-800 number and the rep told me there was nothing he could really do because the system only reported one as being sent to me. He told me I could try and drop them off at the Best Buy store, but I had reservations about how traceable this return would be. You know, case the inventory person at Best Buy ever tracked me down and wanted them back. So right now I am just keeping them in my closet until Best Buy comes knocking at my door or a reasonable amount of times goes by."

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