Saturday, March 8, 2014

Pentagon says North Korea developed unmanned strike aircraft from stolen US drone - the Raytheon MQM-107 Streaker

Iran too has developed a stealth fighter after the RQ Sentinel spy drone crashed in Iran on 4 th December 2011. The US is dishing out latest technology to the 'Axis of Evil' powers.

Here is the drone taken from a video grab:

North Korea has deployed an indigenous unmanned aerial vehicle capable of attacking ground targets based on stolen U.S. target drones, the Pentagon revealed in a report to Congress. Images of the North Korean drone in flight were shown as part of a March 2013 military drill, the Pentagon report said. "The drone appeared to be a North Korean copy of a Raytheon MQM-107 Streaker target drone," the report said.

"North Korean press coverage of the event described the UAV as being capable of precision strikes by crashing into the target."

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