Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Royal Dutch Navy’s HNLMS Karel Doorman Christened

Dutch Defense Minister Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert has christened HNLMS Karel Doorman (A388), a multi-function support ship of the Royal Netherlands Navy intended for amphibious operations.

The christening ceremony was held in Vlissingen, a city in the southwestern Netherlands, on March 8th. Having been christened, the 204.7m-long  vessel will proceed to sea trials in May.
Majority of the vessel’s construction, which is estimated to be worth around 400 million Euros, was completed at Damen’s shipyard in Romania. Subsequently, the vessel was towed mid last year to Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding for final outfitting.

HNLMS Karel Doorman, will replace  the now-retired HNLMS Zuidekruis and the HNLMS Amsterdam.
The ship can be used for multiple purposes, including warship fueling and resupply, transportation of Army equipment, and serve as a floating hospital. It has 2000 lane meters for transport of material such as tracked & wheeled vehicles or containers.

It is expected to be inducted into service by 2015.

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