Saturday, April 12, 2014

Croatia takes delivery of 30 MRAP MaxxPro armoured donated by the United States Government

Thirty Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected Vehicles MRAP MaxxPro for logistic use, donated by the U.S. Government to the Republic of Croatia, were officially taken over in the "Croatia" Barracks in Zagreb on 7 April 2014.

The official ceremony was attended by the Assistant Defence Minister of the Republic of Croatia for Material Resources, Viktor Koprivnjak as Envoy of the Defence Minister, the Chief of the General Staff of the Croatian Armed Forces, General Drago Lovric and the U. S. Ambassador to the Republic of Croatia, Kenneth Merten.
The U.S. Government decided on donating 212 MRAP vehicles, of which 162 MRAP M-ATV vehicles (combat terrain vehicle), 29 MRAP HAGA vehicles (for medical purposes) and 30 MaxxPro vehicles.
General Lovric extended the appreciation to the U.S. Government for the valuable donation, stating that hte takeover of the MRAP vehicles was one of its numerous instances of assistance and donations to the Republic of Croatia and its Armed Forces.

The vehicles have been assigned to the Croatian Army, Support Command and Special Operations Battalion respectively, and are intended for combat operations of smaller scale, in urban and restricted environments including patrolling, convoy securing, recce, MEDEVAC, transportation of personnel and cargo and command vehicle.

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