Friday, April 4, 2014

PSLV-C24 rocket successfully launches Indian GPS satellite IRNSS-1B into space

India's Polar Satellite Vehicle (PSLV) has its 25th jubilee flight of the rocket.The satellites will way-point all Indian missiles to their targets with an accuracy of 20 meters.

IRNSS-1B satellite is the second of seven which will make up the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS). The constellation will consist of four satellites in geosynchronous orbits inclined at 29 degrees, with three more in geostationary orbit. IRNSS-1B is one of the geosynchronous satellites, and is expected to be positioned at a longitude of 55 degrees east.

The earlier IRNSS-1A satellite was launched on July 1st 2013.The PSLV will launch two more such satellites before the end of 2014.

The geostationary satellites will operate at 34, 83 and 132 degrees east. The IRNSS system is expected to provide navigation signals to India with an accuracy of up to 20 meters.The IRNSS-1B will be useful in terrestrial, aerial and sea navigation. It will beam back accurate information on the position of trucks, cars, battle tanks, aircraft, missiles, ships and submarines with precise timing reference. Truck and car drivers, pilots of civilian or combat aircraft and ship captains can properly plan their route using the IRNSS satellites which will guide them towards their destination with the help of a receiver. The satellites will way-point the missiles to their targets.

The IRNSS-1B satellite is based on the I-1K satellite bus and has a fuelled mass of 1,425 kilograms (3,141 lb), or a dry mass of 614 kg (1,354 lb).It is powered by two solar arrays, which generate up to 1,660 watts of power. The spacecraft is expected to operate for ten years.

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