Thursday, April 3, 2014

Romania makes daily surveillance and air police missions with the AWACS of NATO

Bulgarian air force, made up of Russian MiG 29 fighters, had in the past several months launched more flights than in the previous 20 years.

Yesterday Bulgaria’s president Rosen Plevneliev has suggested Russia is intentionally provoking extraordinary flights of fighters from Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey by jets by violating the edge of NATO airspace over the Black Sea.

The minister of defence Mircea Dusa stated on Wednesday that Romania makes daily surveillance and air police missions with AWACS of NATO, Mediafax says. Dusa made this statement when asked if the air forces have been alerted for possible recognition flights made by planes of the Russian army in the vicinity of the air space.He refused to answer if there have been such flights of recognition made by the planes of the Russian army.

Bulgaria alerted its air forces for almost 30 times in the last two months as an answer to the increase in the number of recognition flights made by the planes of the Russian army in the vicinity of its air space, stated on Tuesday the Bulgarian minister of defence, quoted by Reuters.Both countries in the West as well as Moscow made a series of military manoeuvres in the context of attaching the Ukrainian peninsula Crimea to Russia.

NATO announced on Tuesday that ‘ they take into consideration all options’ and studies new measures to consolidate its military presence in eastern Europe in the context where Russia did not give any sign regarding the withdrawal of the troops placed along the border with Ukraine.The ministry of defence on 11 March said that a plane E-3A AWACS of NATO made a flight in the air space of Romania on the pre-established routes, according to the approval of the Council North Atlantic, the flight being part of a planned flight executed regularly, with the purpose of training the forces and the means of air police.

The AWACS operates in the Aircraft E-3A – part of the NATO forces of Early Warning, whose major mission is the ensurance of air supervision, command, control and communication during flights in the NATO air space.The planes operte at heights of over 9,000 metres with a surveillance span of the radar of 31,000 square km and can detect targets which fly at low heigths, in the limit of 400 km and at medium heights, in the limit of 520 km, the press release of the Major Staff of the Air Forces says.

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