Monday, March 17, 2014

Weihai, eleventh Type 056 Corvette (Jiangdao class), commissioned in Chinese Navy (PLAN)

Type 056 Corvette "Weihai" during the commissioning ceremony

A commissioning, naming and flag-presenting ceremony of the new "Weihai" corvette (locally designated guided missile frigate) of the Chinese Navy (PLAN) was held was held at 10:45 of March 15, 2014 at a naval port in a base under the North China Sea Fleet of the PLAN, marking that the “Weihai” ship is officially commissioned to the North China Sea Fleet of the PLAN. "Weihai" is the eleventh Type 056 Corvette (Jiangdao class).

 According to a Chinese MOD statement, the “Weihai” ship (hull number 590) is a new-generation light guided missile frigate independently developed by China. It has a length of 89 meters, a beam of 11 meters and a full-load displacement of 1,500 tons.

 The “Jieyang” ship adopts advanced designs, uses cutting-edge technologies, integrates many types of weaponry and equipment, and features high integration and informatization, good stealth performance and strong electromagnetic compatibility. After handing over to a base under the North China Sea Fleet of the PLAN, the “Weihai” ship is mainly responsible for such missions as patrol, alert, fishery protection, escort, anti-submarine and anti-ship operations and so forth.

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