Tuesday, April 1, 2014

South Korea finds crashed UAVs on border island

These are the North Korean UAV's that crashed


An unidentified unmanned airplane fell on one of the five South Korean islands near the inter-Korean western sea border, the official Yonhap News Agency reported on Tuesday, citing a government source.The unmanned aerial vehicle crashed at around 4pm on Monday local time on Baengnyeong Island, just south of the Northern Limit Line (NLL), or the disputed maritime border between the two Koreas, said the source.

The South Korean military took the pilotless airplane from the border island to identify where the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) came from.The UAV, detected Monday, was the same kind as the one found on March 24 in Paju, 50km northwest of Seoul.

The source said that South Korea's intelligence and military officials were probing whether the two airplanes came from North Korea.North Korea conducted its live-fire drill Monday afternoon, firing around 500 rounds of shells and projectiles with its artillery and multiple-rocket launchers from its shoreline gun positions in the country's southeastern region near the NLL.

Some 100 of them landed in South Korean waters 2-3 km south of the NLL, the scene of the recent inter-Korean naval skirmishes. In November 2010, Pyongyang shelled Yeonpyeong Island, one of the five border islands near the NLL, with its shoreline artillery, killing four people.

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